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    Stop sitting on the sidelines and start doing what you love for a living!

    After reading this book, you’ll know exactly what to do to get into your dream event and FINALLY make money to fund your passion. You’ll feel confident when you go to shows and know what to say to customers to make the big sale. You’ll finally stop wondering, “Can I do it?” and start asking, “How can I do it better?”

    Your days of scrolling Instagram, admiring artists from afar and wishing you could be announcing your latest art gig are OVER.

    This downloadable book walks you through every step: finding an event that's right for you, applying, preparing, selling to customers, meeting other artists, and what to do afterwards!

    I've been selling my illustrations at in-person events since 2015. I learned the ropes of all things sales, marketing, packaging, traveling for a show, and everything in between. It was a long (sometimes boring) important process but don't worry -- I've piled all that experience into these pages for you to read in an afternoon.

    This is basically a giant shortcut in the form of an ebook.

    Art shows are super fun and I'm obsessed with doing them. Once you start, you don't look back! Making money, hanging out with creative folks, and talking about your passions never gets old.

    The Complete Guide to Your First Art Show is an investment that will pay for itself in no time.

    Download it for $27 today!